Thursday, January 31, 2013

Forest Fire

This picture was taken in near complete darkness. I used the bulb setting as my shutter speed and stood out in the cold, holding open the shutter for 2 minutes on my camera (mounted on a tripod). The “fire” is actually lights way off in the distance and the “smoke” is fog. Even after the 2 minute shot, the picture was clear and crisp but I increased the levels in photoshop to overexpose the lights giving it a fire look.
Sawyer W


I like this picture because it’s not the normal self-portrait picture. I had to set the camera on a self-timer and then set it on the counter. I tried many times with my hands in different positions and using different angles, but this one looked the best. I adjusted the levels of the background and changed it black and white so that my hands would be the main focus. I like how my hands are the only color in the photo. Overall, I like how this picture turned out.
 Courtney M