Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Water Light

I was doing a lot of close up shots that day and it had just stopped raining  and I noticed all of these water drops gathering underneath the railings.  There was this one that was longer than any of the other one and felt like the light coming through was amazing.  I do wish that more of the railing was in focus, but I feel that it makes the water drop even stronger. I took so many different angles of the drop to find the one that had the perfect amount of light and the right shape.  Overall I think this is going to be my favorite photo of the year.
Tyler M


  1. I really like the crisp and clear picture. It looks great and it is great depth of field. Great job!

  2. I really like this picture because of the depth of field and the focus on the water drop. Also how the light is coming through the water drop, and the other drops of water just sit around the main focus.

  3. I love this picture because it has an amazing depth of field. I also like the monochromatic colors and the contrast between light and dark.
    Teresa B FPHS

  4. I love this photo. My eye goes straight for the center raindrop. I think in this case, the center placement works nicely. I also like how it looks symmetrical but at the same time, looks uneven from the contrast of the thick dark gray to the foggy light blues and green underneath. Great shot :)
    Nina P.-FPHS

  5. This has a really amazing depth of field, and the contrast between the dark and light colors makes this photo work. My eyes automatically get drawn into the center water droplet and its in focus, which half the time is hard to do, but you got it, great job!
    Ruth L.-FPHS

  6. The focus of the center water drop is great I am automatically drawn to it and the depth of field is good too! The way you can almost see the area around it through the drop is really nice.

  7. I really like this photo because of the depth of field. I like the texture of the pole and the rain drops. I like how the back ground is really blurred

  8. I love the clarity of the hanging rain drops in this photo. The mood displays the essence of Washington. The depth of field also enhances the photo.
    Tessa S. FPHS

  9. I like how deeply focused the frame is on the water droplet on the pole is. I think it gives it good balance between the pole, the water, and the background. To me, the feeling is a cold cloudy day, and I like how you can tell that just by the picture and the darkness.
    Lindsey C.

  10. I really like this photo because it falls under more then one category. Its in line with depth of field and caught in the action. Seeing the drops of water before they fall adds more interest to the photo.

    -Morgann McMurtrie

  11. I liked the depth of field and how the focus is on the water drop. I also liked color; it gave it you a type of moody feeling. I really like how the photographer captured the feeling of the day and the in general it’s a great photo.


  12. This is a cool photo! I like how you have that one drop completely in focus while the rest is not. Depth of field is good, but the picture is completely centered. Good job though.
