Wednesday, June 13, 2012


This picture was from a Spring assignment. I went towards the front of school to the big blossom tree (whatever you call it) to take pictures of the blossoms, & this picture was the best one I took out of the whole assignment. I used a watercolor feature on photoshop. I like the depth of field. The flower looks really good & I’m pleased with this picture.
Jessica R


  1. The leaves were a little underexposed when I first looked at it but the overexposer in the backround balances it out and really looks good.
    The flower is in focus with depth of field it really stands out.
    -Kristi F.

  2. The white and green colors really stand out. I love how the petals almost blend in with the white background but the center part of the flower makes it pop.
    -Rosie B.

  3. This is a really nice picture. I really like the flowers and the leaves add a lot of color to the photograpgh. The depth of field really make the flowers pop.


  4. I love this picture because of how the blossoms and leaves balance the picture out. It shows really good depth of field and the blossom itself is in focus! The color and toning is pretty good too! (:

    Jenny K. - FPHS

  5. I like the depth of feild of the pciture and how the shadows and lines of the leaf go togthere but the flower blends with the bacground making kinda hard to see and the forground was a bit too bright.

  6. The Visual Perspective and the unique angle make this photo stand out. I also like the sharp color and how you can see the flower and leafs in focus.
    Single Center of Interest, Small Depth of Field, and Visual Perspective.
    I think the back of the leaf and the branch and the middle of the flower could be lighter.

  7. i really enjoy the colors of the leafs as well as the great depth of field.


  8. This is a good picture! Color is great! Depth of field is good. Rules of thirds are good! Shadow on the leaves is pretty good, but it’s a little too dark!

  9. The depth of field on this photo is nice because, the flower and the leaves are in focus and the background is out of focus. I think the leaves being darker then the flower really makes this picture be a good picture because if they were the same then it’d be too boring. I would set this photo as my wallpaper on my phone I like it that much.
