Monday, December 12, 2011

This is a picture of my two cats that I absolutely adore! I took many pictures of them, but I finally got them in a good shot. Both of the cats are looking out my door because they heard a noise. I changed the color to black and white and kept the cats in color. I like how both cats are in focus.
Karisa G


  1. I love your cats eyes, and the fact that you changed it to black&white makes the cats really "pop" in this photo. Nice picture though. \
    Shleana H.

  2. good job getting a shot on your cats it must have been difficult to get a good shot. this picture has very little mistakes. i like the fact that you put it in black and white it really makes your cats eyes pop out.

    Kamo S.-FPHS

  3. I think this is a very nice example of black and white. The cats are perfectly outlined, and the picture doesn’t even look photo shopped with the black and white. I love how both cats are in focus. That’d be hard to do with their different distances.
    FPHS-Jeremy Donahue

  4. I like this photo because the cats aren’t distracting and there’s something on the wall that distracts me and it should be a little lightened up it’s a little dark -Lauren B.

  5. I really like this photo, the cats are both in good focus. Both cats are in the line of thirds really calling them to attention. I really like how you brought only the cats back to color, because it gave them a serious mood, without distracting from the photo.
    -Mitchell Gilbert
